Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I'm very hyper today and I feel weird. Not sure what to write other than AHHHH! and WHEEE! and that doesn't make much of an entry.

I watched The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown last night. I LOVE Charlie Brown! My personal favorite part is when Sally realizes that she has been in the pumpkin patch all night and has missed trick or treating and she yells "I want CANDY APPLES and GUM!" She is a true "Buy Me Diamonds!" type of girl and I am so down with that. She wants what she wants when she wants it. WORD.

Thanks to Miss Apl aka Jen for sending me Honeycomb, the new Frank Black CD which will not be released for months. He sings DARK END OF THE STREET and I cry and cry. I heart that song. Oh, I heart it a lot!

Someone here keeps GROANING LOUDLY IN PAIN and it is very weird. Shhh. Also, this is a drug company - take some drugs! SHUSH!

I am going to go to the Garment District and look for a blue bob wig. I have always wanted one. I think they are kind of pretty. In a David Lynch/Blue Velvet kind of way. Anyway, off I go. Woo! (what a pointless post!)


because I said so