Friday, October 29, 2004

The Friday Five

1) Of everything in your wardrobe what do you feel the most comfortable wearing? Why?
What do I literally FEEL the most comfortable in? Or what do I like the best? I guess I feel most comfortable in pajamas, but I am guessing that is not what the question means. I feel most myself in jeans. Lately my weekend uniform is bootcut dark jeans, my black belt, this turquoise sweater I recently bought, and my black Uggs. I don't care if they are "over" I still think they are cute.

Shut up.

2) How would you describe your style?
God. I don't know.

I think I am pretty much on the casual end of the scale. My day to day work uniform is pants (gray or black) and some random/boring shirt. Often it is black. I often layer things too. Today I have on gray pants, a black shirt, ballet flats from Rocket Dog and a green sweater I got at Target. That is pretty typical.

When I go out at night (however rare that is. Seriously, I am actually 85 years old. Don't tell anyone) I usually wear jeans, cute shoes and a fancy black shirt of some kind. I will also wear some sort of jewelry. I know, I'm so exciting! Contain yourself!

3) How many pairs of shoes do you own and do you wear them all?
I counted like two years ago and I had about 35 pairs of shoes. Since then I have gotten new pairs and gotten rid of old, so I would say that is my average. I do wear them all but they are seasonal (flip-flops vs. Uggs, etc) so I don't wear them all ALL THE TIME. I would obviously need more feet for that.

4) Where do you buy most of your clothes?
I buy a lot of stuff at the Gap, their pants fit me well usually. They have pants for shorties. I also like the clothes Target has. See, low end and casual, that's me! H&M has cute shirts sometimes although they aren't all that well made in my experience.

5) What was the last piece of clothing you bought?
I got a black shirt on sale on the Gap. It has a white line on the collar. Which makes it slightly different from the approximately 85 other black shirts I have.

I once counted (do I have OCD? What is up with the counting?) and had 23 long sleeved black shirts hanging in my closet. I would imagine it is more than that now.

I clearly have a problem.

because I said so